Sexual Violence Support
Need Help?
Let’s talk. We are here to listen. Know that you are not alone.
Share with someone who is close to you that you have been sexually assaulted.
If you are in immediate crisis, please call 000.
If you are at risk or experiencing sexual violence or need someone to turn to, there are multiple specialist services available across Australia.
These organisations offer a variety of services including emergency and crisis care, information and advocacy, and counselling and support.

Australian Sexual Assault Services Directory
Please click on your to your state below to find an appropriate service.
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre
PO Box 3805
Phone: (02) 6287 3618 (office hours)
Crisis Line (02) 6247 2525 (between 7am and 11pm)
Website: www.crcc.org.au
Email: crcc@crcc.org.au
The Canberra Rape Crisis Centre offers free and confidential services that include:
Access to our crisis line which operates between 7:00am and 11:00pm, 7 days a week and is staffed by female crisis counsellors
Counselling support is available for individuals who have experienced or been affected by past or recent sexual abuse and/or sexual assault. Support can include counselling, information, referral, advocacy and education.
This service is available for women and men who have experienced sexual violence
Laurel House
PO Box 1062
Phone: North (03) 6334 2740, North West (03) 6431 9711
After Hours Line: 1800 MY SUPPORT (1800 697 877) Available 24/7
Website: www.laurelhouse.org.au
Email: info@laurelhouse.org.au
Laurel House is a not-for-profit community-based sexual assault support service. We provider:
Therapeutic services are available to people of all ages and genders who have experienced or been affected by past or recent sexual harm.
Our services can include counselling, information, referral, advocacy and education.
We also provide support through forensic, medical and legal processes.
Our service is confidential and free to victim-survivors of sexual violence, their families and support people.
We offer community education, training and debriefing to professionals. We also deliver consent education in schools.
Specialist training for disability service providers, medical professionals and other providers about preventing and responding to sexual violence towards people with disabilities.
Access to our support line which operates 24 hours per day 7 days a week.
Laurel House is funded by the Tasmanian Government’s Department of Communities and the Australian Government’s Department of Social Services.
Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS)
Highfield House
114 Bathurst Street
(03) 6231 0044
After Hours Line: 1800 MY SUPPORT
(1800 697 877) Available 24/7
SASS is a specialist organisation addressing sexual violence through prevention, early intervention, response, and advocacy. Using trauma-informed and evidence-based approaches, we work with the community to drive lasting change while providing tailored support for survivors and their supporters.
For those seeking support, our staged intake process is designed to ensure victim-survivors, and their supporters receive therapeutic care, information, and additional services when they contact our team. This includes:
Identifying options available to someone who has recently experienced sexual harm
Accessing counselling and support services
Forensic medical examinations or general medical checkups
Reporting recent or historical sexual violence to police
Referrals to other relevant services
Applying to the National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
SASS is funded by the Tasmanian Government’s Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People, and the Australian Government’s Department of Social Services.
Sexual Assault Services – NSW Health
NSW Health has a network of specialist Sexual Assault Services (SAS) delivered by local health districts. Every local health district has a Sexual Assault Service that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For service locations and contact details, view the NSW Health Sexual Assault Services contact list here.
Sexual Assault Services provide services to:
crisis and ongoing counselling which includes the provision of information and support
a specialised medical service which always includes general health and wellbeing assessment and treatment, if needed, and can include the collection of evidence (e.g DNA) related to the assault for legal purposes
support for non-offending family members, significant others and carers
court preparation, court support and court reports
interagency forums
awareness raising
FULL STOP Australia
NSW Sexual Violence Helpline is available 24/7 for anyone in NSW impacted by sexual assault including friends, families, and supporters 1800 424 017.
National Telephone Lines:
National Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Trauma Counselling and Recovery Service: 1800 385 578
National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service: 1800 211 028
Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Trauma Counselling and Recovery Service: 1800 497 212
Website: www.fullstop.org.au
Email: info@fullstop.org.au
PO Box 555
Full Stop Australia counsellors are available in Women’s Health Centres throughout NSW. The service is free of charge and childcare is available in some centres. To make an appointment, contact your nearest Women's Health Centre directly - https://fullstop.org.au/contact-us
Central Coast Community Women’s Health Centre (childcare available)
(02) 4324 2533
Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre
(02) 9560 3011
Lismore Women’s Health and Resource Centre (childcare available)
(02) 6621 9800
Liverpool Women’s Health Centre
(02) 9601 3555
Penrith Women’s Health Centre (childcare available)
(02) 4721 8749
Women’s Centre Albury-Wodonga
(02) 6021 5773
Sexual assault referral centres (SARC) provide support if you have experienced sexual assault.
SARC provides the following services:
counselling for adults and children who have been sexually assaulted at any time in their life
information, support and counselling for non-offending parents, family members and partners
education and information for community or professional groups
support if you are going through a legal process
protective behaviour for children
working with other government agencies to work on prevention
Alice Springs
Phone: 08 8955 4500
Office hours 8.00 am-4.20 pm
After Hours Crisis Support:
08 8955 4500
Phone: 08 8922 6472
Office hours 8.00 am-4.20 pm
After Hours Crisis Support: 0401 114 181
Email: sarc.ths@nt.gov.au
Medical help is available in the Darwin and Alice Springs SARC, 24/7 hour medical assistance from doctors if you have been recently sexually assaulted.
Phone: (08) 8973 8524
Tennant Creek
Phone: (08) 8962 4361
Phone: (08) 89450155 - Office hours 9am-5pm
Email: info@rubygaea.net.au
Website: www.rubygaea.net.au
Ruby Gaea provides free, confidential counselling and support to women and children who have experienced sexual assault at any time in their lives.
Victoria Health Sexual Assault Services
Sexual Assault Crisis Line
Phone: 1800 806 292
SACL operates between 5pm weeknights through to 9am the next day and throughout weekends and public holidays.
Website: www.sacl.com.au
Sexual Assault Services Victoria (Peak Body)
Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SAS Victoria) is the newly incorporated and expanded peak body for sexual assault and harmful sexual behaviour services.
Previously known as CASA Forum, SAS Victoria continues to influence and reshape approaches to preventing and responding to sexual assault.
Please note that Sexual Assault Services Victoria does not provide direct sexual assault support services.
Website: www.sasvic.org.au
Email: contactus@sasvic.org.au
CASA House
The Royal Women’s Hospital provides a 24 hour, seven day a week service to victim/survivors of sexual assault. They offer counselling, support and advocacy for adult female and male victim/survivors of both childhood and adult sexual assault.
24 hour crisis care is available following a recent assault (within last two weeks), which offers counselling, information, advocacy and support including medical and legal options. Counselling, support and advocacy – short to medium term counselling service includes support, information and advocacy which aims to provide assistance in recovery, clarification of rights and identification of choices.
The Royal Women’s Hospital
Level 3, 210 Lonsdale Street
Phone: (03) 9635 3610
FREE CALL 1800 806 292
Website: www.casahouse.com.au
Email: casa@thewomens.org.au
Eastern CASA
Eastern CASA provides a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends.
Services include counselling and support, therapeutic group work, information and referral to other relevant services, community education, secondary consultation and training for professionals. 24 hour access to crisis care services for adults who have been sexually assaulted within the last two weeks is available.
17 Ware Crescent
Phone: (03) 9870 7330
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.easternhealth.org.au/services/item/174-eastern-centre-against-sexual-assault-ecasa
Email: ecasa@easternhealth.org.au
Gatehouse Centre
Gatehouse Centre is a department of the Royal Children’s Hospital. It is a Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) that provides assessment, treatment and advocacy services for:
Children, young people (aged between 0-17) and their families, living in the North Western metropolitan area of Melbourne or the cities of Moreland and Hume, where sexual abuse is known or suspected to have happened.
Children, young people (aged between 0-17) and their families, living in the North Western metropolitan area of Melbourne or the cities of Moreland and Hume, where problem or harmful sexual behaviours are a concern.
Royal Children’s Hospital Inpatients.
Royal Children's Hospital
Flemington Road
Phone: (03) 9345 6391
After hours Crisis Care: (03) 9345 5522 (ask to page the Gatehouse Centre after hours clinician)
Website: www.rch.org.au/gatehouse
Email: gatehouse.centre@rch.org.au
Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (NCASA)
Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (or NCASA) is the regional sexual assault service for the northern metropolitan region of Melbourne (Banyule, Darebin, Nillumbik and Whittlesea). We are located at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital and at number of outposts in the Northern region.
Our service is free for women, men and young people over the age of 12 who have experienced sexual assault (past or recent) and their non-offending family and friends. We offer 24-hr crisis care for recent victims of sexual assault (17 and over), counselling, group work, advocacy, community education and consultation and training for other professionals.
Building 26, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
300 Waterdale Road
Heidelberg West, 3081
Postal Address:
PO Box 5444
Heidelberg West, 3081
Phone: (03) 9496 2240
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.austin.org.au/northerncasa
Email: ncasa@austin.org.au
South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASA)
South Eastern CASA provides a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends.
Services include counselling and support, therapeutic group work, information and referral to other relevant services, community education, secondary consultation and training for professionals. 24 hour access to crisis care services for adults who have been sexually assaulted within the last two weeks is available.
11 Chester Street
East Bentleigh, 3165
Postal Address:
PO Box 72
East Bentleigh, 3165
Admin (03) 9928 8741
Crisis (03) 9594 2289
Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292
Website: www.secasa.org.au
Email: secasa@monashhealth.org
West Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA)
West CASA is a community based not-for-profit sexual assault counselling service operating in the western metropolitan region of Melbourne. They provide a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends.
Services include counselling and support, therapeutic group work, information and referral to other relevant services, and community education. 24 hour access to crisis care services for adults who have been sexually assaulted within the last two weeks is available.
Women’s Health Hub
236 Hoppers Lane
Phone: (03) 9216 0411
Counselling Line: (03) 9216 0444
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.westcasa.org.au
Email: info@westcasa.org.au
Ballarat Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA)
Ballarat CASA offers free, counselling and advocacy to people who have experienced past or recent sexual assault and provide support for partners, family and friends. As well as those involved with the child abuse royal commission.
Service is available for females and males of all ages. Therapeutic treatment is provided to young people with harmful sexual behaviours and is a same sex attracted, sex and gender diverse inclusive service.
Sebastopol Complex
Corner Vale & Edwards Street
Phone: (03) 5320 3933
Website: www.ballaratcasa.org.au
Email: casa@bhs.org.au
Centre Against Sexual Assault Central Victoria
The Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) Central Victoria provides trauma informed counselling, advocacy and support for people who have experienced a recent or historical sexual assault. The service is also available for family and community members who have also felt impacted.
CASA also offers specialized advocacy, secondary consultation, community education and professional training within the community and across the sector. For people who have experienced a recent sexual assault we provide 24-hour crisis care that includes counselling, support, information and advocacy for medical care and legal options.
71 Bridge Street
Postal Address:
PO Box 764
Phone: (03) 5441 0430
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.casacv.org.au
Email: casacv@casacv.org.au
Centre Against Violence
The Sexual Assault Service is a free and confidential counselling service for victim/survivors of recent and/or past sexual assault and their non-offending family members. They provide outreach services across the Ovens Murray District in Wangaratta, Wodonga and Benalla to support community access to our individual counselling family services.
Other programs include group-work, community education and professional consultation. A free, confidential 24 hour crisis care service for people who have recently experienced sexual assault or family violence is also available.
29 Templeton Street
Phone: (03) 5722 2203
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.centreagainstviolence.org.au
Email: admin@cav.org.au
Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA)
We offer individual counselling and support to children and adults who have experienced, or been impacted by, sexual assault. We provide outreach services to several places across the Gippsland region to support community access to our individual counselling, family services, and to engage the Gippsland community in our prevention and community development initiatives.
We offer a free, confidential 24 hour crisis care service for people who have recently experienced sexual assault or family violence.
31-41 Buckley Street
Postal Address:
31-41 Buckley Street
PO Box 1124
Phone: (03) 5134 3922
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.gcasa.org.au
Email: mail@gippscasa.org
Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA)
Goulburn Valley CASA provides trauma informed counselling and support for people who have experienced, or been impacted by a recent or historical sexual assault. GVCASA also provides advocacy, secondary consultation, community education and professional training for schools and community groups. 24 hour Crisis Care is provided for people who have experienced a recent sexual assault which includes counselling, support, information and advocacy for medical care and legal options.
130 Nixon Street
Postal Address:
130 Nixon Street
PO Box 1453
Phone: (03) 5858 9300
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.gcasa.org.au
Email: gvcasa@gvhealth.org.au
Mallee Sexual Assault Unit
The Mallee Sexual Assault Unit (MSAU) provides support and care to all victims of sexual assault. MSAU provides direct services to victims/survivors of sexual assault in the context of their family and other support systems. Services include crisis care responses, counselling, casework, advocacy, referral and group work. For people who have experienced a recent sexual assault they provide 24-hour crisis care that includes counselling, support, information and advocacy for medical care and legal options.
Suite 1, 144-146, Lime Avenue
(PO Box 1373)
14 McCallum Street
Mildura (03) 5025 5400
Swan Hill (03) 5033 1786
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.msau-mdvs.org.au
Email: info@msau-mdvs.org.au
South Western CASA
South Western CASA provide services to victim/survivors of sexual assault, their non-offending family members, partners and friends. The main South Western CASA office is based in Warrnambool with outreach services to Corangamite, Glenelg, Moyne and Southern Grampians shires.
South Western CASA provides trauma informed counselling and support for people who have experienced, or been impacted by a recent or historical sexual assault. 24 hour Crisis Care is provided for people who have experienced a recent sexual assault which includes counselling, support, information and advocacy for medical care and legal options.
Ruth Hellier House
279 Koroit Street
Phone: (03) 5564 4144
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.swcasa.org.au
Email: casa@swh.net.au
The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre
The SAFV Centre offers a wide range of free and confidential services for all people who experienced sexual assault and women, children and young people who have experience family violence. Located in Geelong, Horsham and Footscray we offer our specialist services across the Barwon, Wimmera and Western Melbourne areas of Victoria.
We offer 24-hour crisis care and support for anyone who has experienced a recent sexual assault or women, children and young people experiencing family violence as well as free and confidential case management support to women, children and young people experiencing family violence.
We also provide free and confidential trauma-informed counselling and a range of therapeutic group programs to address the impacts of trauma from sexual assault and family violence.
Level 1, 59-63 Spring Street
Geelong West, VIC 3218
Postal Address:
PO Box 7205
Geelong West, VIC 3218
Geelong (03) 5222 4318
Wimmera (Horsham) (03) 5381 1211
24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 292
Website: www.safvcentre.org.au
Email: reception@safvcentre.org.au
Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service
Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service is a service for anyone who has been sexually assaulted. Yarrow Place provides free and confidential service for people aged 16 years and over at the time of the sexual assault.
Services include:
24 Hour Crisis Response Service for recent sexual assault—this includes support from a social worker, medical care by a doctor or nurse, and collection of forensic evidence for people who are considering legal action.
Professional counselling and advocacy for recent and past sexual assault clients as well as their support people.
Group programs, seminars, education, training and community capacity-building.
Country response program, providing counselling in the Riverland, Mount Gambier, Whyalla and outreach to surrounding areas including Port Augusta and Port Lincoln regions.
An Intensive Therapeutic Care Program for Guardianship young people aged 12-25 years who are at risk of sexual exploitation (DCP Referral only — young people must be under Guardianship at time of referral)
64 Pennington Terrace
Postal Address:
PO Box 620
Toll-free in SA 1800 817 421
After hours (08) 8226 8787
Business hours (08) 8226 8777
Website: www.yarrowplace.sa.gov.au
Email: info@yarrowplace.sa.gov.au
Perth Metro
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC)
The Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) is located in Perth and provides a range of free services to people in the metropolitan area affected by sexual violence. SARC also provide free telephone advice/support to those in non-metropolitan areas and have a 24 Hour Emergency Line.
Phone (24/7): (08) 6458 1828
Free call 24 Hours: 1800 199 888
Acacia Support Service Port Hedland
Acacia Support Service Port Hedland offers support for females and males, 13 years and over, who have been affected by sexual violence in the previous 14 days.
Acacia Support Service Port Hedland provides a 24-hour crisis response to Hedland including Police, Hedland Health Campus and Hedland Victim Support. Clients will receive support through the police interviewing, forensic examinations and court processes.
Lotteries House
Unit 8, 4 Rason Link
Phone: (08) 6164 0520 - office hours
24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 0472 834 604
Website: www.relationshipswa.org.au
Allambee Counselling
Allambee Counselling is the local SASS service for the Peel region and offers specialised counselling services during business hours.
Counselling support is available for individuals who have experienced or been affected by past or recent sexual abuse and/or sexual assault. Support can include counselling, information, referral, advocacy and education.
This service is available for women and men who have experienced sexual violence.
Level 1, Peel Health Hub
91 Allnutt St
Phone: (08) 9535 8263 - office hours
Free Call 24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line SARC PERTH: 1800 199 888
Website: allambee.org.au
Email: help@allambee.org.au
Desert Blue Connect
Desert Blue Conenct offers free and confidential services that include:
24 hour crisis intervention for people who have been sexually assaulted within the last 14 days
Counselling support is available for individuals who have experienced or been affected by past or recent sexual abuse and/or sexual assault. Support can include counselling, information, referral, advocacy and education.
This service is available for women and men who have experienced sexual violence
Postal Address:
PO Box 472
Phone: (08) 9964 2742 - office hours
24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 016 789 (Free call)
Website: www.desertblueconnect.org.au
Goldfields Women’s health care centre
Goldfields Women’s Health Care Centre offers free and confidential services that include:
24-hour crisis intervention for people who have been sexually assaulted within the last 14 days.
Counselling support is available for individuals who have experienced or been affected by past or recent sexual abuse and/or sexual assault. Support can include counselling, information, referral, advocacy and education.
This service is available for women and men who have experienced sexual violence.
15 Dugan Street
Phone: (08) 9021 8266 - office hours
24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 199 888 (Free call) or
Emergency Line: 0499 167 639.
Website: www.gwhcc.org.au
Email: sass@gwhcc.org.au
Waratah Support Centre
Waratah Sexual Assault Service (SA) offers services to help children, young people and their families heal from the harmful psychological, emotional and social effects of sexual assault and abuse.
Postal Address:
PO Box 644
Phone: (08) 9791 2884 - office hours
24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 017 303 (Free call)
Website: www.waratah.asn.au
Queensland Sexual Assault Helpline: 1800 010 120 Between 7.30am - 11.30pm, 7 days
Queensland Health Sexual Assault Services
QSAN Secretariat (Queensland Sexual Assault Network)
c/o 118 Charles Street, Aitkenvale
Townsville Qld 4814
Telephone: 0482061726
website: http://www.qsan.org.au/
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
SART services the Brisbane, Redlands, Herston, Logan, Caboolture, Redcliffe areas.
SART provide support directly following a sexual assault and follow up counselling and support in the early stages of recovery.
24hr Phone Crisis service: (07) 3646 5207
Social worker, Emergency Department
Phone: (07) 3810 1111
Longreach Hospital Social Work Services
Support following a sexual assault.
For support, information and referrals contact:
Phone: (07) 4652 7960 (Allied Health Administration)
Mackay Sexual Health and Assault Service
Sexual assault and sexual health support.
Mackay Community Health
12 – 14 Nelson Street
Mackay QLD 4740
Phone: (07) 4968 3919
After Hours Phone: (07) 4968 6000
Website: www.mackay.health.qld.gov.au/your-hospitals/mackay-base-hospital/sexual-health-assault-service/
Mount Isa
Support following a sexual assault.
Phone: (07) 4744 4447
Kobi House, Sexual Assault Support Service Toowoomba
Sexual assault and sexual health support.
Postal Address:
Private Mail Bag 2
Toowoomba Q 4350
Phone: (07) 4616 6950
After Hours Phone: (07) 4616 6000
Email: kobihouse@health.qld.gov.au
Website: www.health.qld.gov.au/darlingdowns/our-services/public-medicine
Metropolitan Sexual Assault Services
Braveheart’s therapeutic services teams help survivors heal from psychological and emotional trauma caused by child sexual assault and exploitation.
Specialist clinicians located on the Gold Coast, Springwood, Strathpine and Mackay provide face to face and outreach support for children and young people and their non-offending family members.
Braveheart’s Turning Corners Program caters for youth aged between 12-17 and up to 21 for individuals with an intellectual impairment, who have engaged, or are at risk of engaging, in harmful sexual behaviour.
Braveheart’s is also a Redress Support Service provider that provides support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
Located at Springwood, Strathpine and Arundel.
Phone: (07) 5552 3000
Free Call: 1800 272 831
Website: www.bravehearts.org.au
Email: admin@bravehearts.org.au
Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre (BRISSC)
BRISSC is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation in Brisbane that provides support to women (15+) survivors of sexual violence. Our services include phone support, individual counselling, advocacy, community education and training.
Main office located at Women’s House
15 Morrisey Street
75 Old Progress Road
5/1180 Sandgate Road, Entry via Chapel St
(07) 3391 2573 (Admin)
(07) 3391 0004 (Support line)
Website: www.brissc.org.au
Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWSS)
IWSS offers free confidential, practical and emotional support to immigrant and refugee women from non-English speaking backgrounds and their children who have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence. IWSS engages interpreters to assist with communication/language. Self-referrals can contact the service by phone and external service providers can complete the referral form here.
Website: www.iwss.org.au
Phone: (07) 3846 3490
General Email: mail@iwss.org.au
Intake: intake@iwss.org.au
Living Well
Living Well is an Australian service, and resource, that provides information, encouragement and support to men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or adulthood sexual assault. Living Well also provides assistance to supporters of these men; their partners, friends, family and service providers.
408 Gympie Road
New clients & enquiries: 1300 114 397
Existing clients: (07) 3028 4648
Website: www.livingwell.org.au
Murrigunyah Family & Cultural Healing Centre
Empowering Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander adults, youth and families, Murrigunyah is a community based sexual assault support service established (1997) and controlled by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women of Logan City. Murrigunyah is the only specific Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sexual assault service in Queensland. We work from a holistic and cultural perspective supporting the social, emotional & spiritual interests of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients and families.
2 Burrigan Street
WWILD supports people of all genders with intellectual disabilities who are survivors of sexual violence and other crime/exploitation by providing free counselling and support groups. We also assist people to report their experiences of abuse and neglect to the Disability Royal Commission with counselling and case management support. WWILD is based in South-east Queensland.
Postal Address:
PO Box 495
Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre
Zig Zag provides a place of healing, support, and social action and change for young women aged 12-25 years. Sexual assault counselling, housing support and community education. Locations for counselling services include Camp Hill, Inala and Nundah.
575 Old Cleveland Road
Regional Sexual Assault Services
Cairns Sexual Assault Service
Cairns Sexual Assault Service (CSAS) provides a free and confidential service for anyone affected by sexual violence.
CSAS provides support, information, advocacy, counselling and education. No referral needed.
The Solander Centre
182 Grafton Street
Business hours 9-5pm Monday-Friday
Phone: (07) 4031 3590
Website: www.true.org.au/Counselling/cairns-sexual-assault-services
Email: csas@true.org.au
Centre Against Sexual Violence
The Centre Against Sexual Violence Inc. (CASV) is a community based sexual assault service dedicated to providing counselling, education and information to the Logan, Beaudesert and Redlands communities.
Logan & Redlands
5 / 13–21 Mayes Avenue
Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)
Service Against Sexual Violence (SASV)
SASV is a provider of sexual assault services and offers counselling and support for survivors aged 14 years and over, support for family, friends and care givers of survivors, information, advice and referral.
General enquiries: (07) 3816 2919
Sexual Violence Line: (07) 3816 3282
General enquiries: (07) 4566 2630
Sexual Violence Line: (07) 4566 2633
Website: www.dvac.org.au/service-against-sexual-violence
Ipswich: info@dvac.org.au
Toowoomba: infotwba@dvac.org.au
Gladstone Women’s Health Centre & Gladstone Regional Sexual Assault Centre
Gladstone Women’s Health Centre & Gladstone Region Sexual Assault Centre provides free professional specialist sexual assault counselling to children, women, and men who have been sexually assaulted whether it was in the past or recently. Additionally, we provide counselling to those who have experienced sexual harassment or were sexually assaulted in childhood.
20 Tank Street
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence
Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence provides free, confidential services for women who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. The agency provides a range of services from Coolangatta to Upper Coomera.
179-181 Scarborough Street
(PO Box 1924)
Phone: (07) 5591 1164
Website: www.stopsexualviolence.com
Laurel Place
Laurel Place Inc. provides specialised counselling support, information and education regarding sexual violence across the Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay areas and in Gympie and Murgon.
Sexual Assault Counselling & Support
Sunshine Coast | Gympie | Murgon | Moreton Bay
Laurel Place - Maroochydore
P.O. Box 384
Laurel Place – Gympie and Murgon
PO Box 512
Laurel Place – Moreton Bay
Maroochydore (07) 5443 4711
Gympie (07) 5482 7911
Morton Bay (07) 5499 2096
Website: www.laurelplace.com.au
Email: admin@laurelplace.com.au
Phoenix House
Bundaberg Area Sexual Assault Service
33 Enterprise Street
Phoenix House provides counselling support to families and individuals of all ages and gender who had been impacted by sexual assault, sexual violence, rape or historic sexual abuse.
Tablelands Sexual Assault Service
PO Box 1294
TSAS provides free, confidential specialist sexual assault counselling, education and support services to children, young people, and non-offending women and men who have experienced or are at risk of sexual abuse or sexual violence. TSAS also works with children and young people who may be engaging in inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviours.
The Women’s Centre
Townsville Sexual Assault Support Service (SASS)
The Townsville SASS provides free, confidential services for women who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives. They offer counselling, support, advocacy, advice and referral for women aged 15 years and over.
Corner of Nathan Street and Charles Street
Whitsunday Counselling and Support
Whitsunday Counselling and Support provides counselling and support to women, children aged 6 years+ and men who have experienced sexual violence or abuse.
Cannonvale Office
(main office base and central referral point)
1/157 Shute Harbour Rd
Bowen Office
Shop 3/38 Herbert Street
Wide Bay Sexual Assault Service
Wide Bay Sexual Assault Services is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to assisting adults, young people and children regain their power, after having experienced sexual violence. They offer counselling, support, advocacy, advice and referral for women aged 15 years and over.
Hervey Bay
1/8 Neils Street
Women's Health Information and Referral Service Central Queensland (WHIRSCQ)
This service offers sexual assault counselling and support to women, men and youth who have experienced recent or historical sexual assault in their life. The service provides information and support to family members and supporters of anyone who has experienced sexual assault, and community groups.
225 Bolsover Street
(Outreach Services in Yeppoon, Mt Morgan, Emerald & Central Highlands)
Rockhampton (07) 49226585
FREECALL 1800 017 382
Website: www.womenshealthrockhampton.com
Email: reception@whccq.org.au