NASASV Membership
Become a Member of NASASV
Service membership of NASASV is open to all State and Territory Sexual Assault Services and Rape Crisis Centres where the primary purpose of that service is to provide services to survivors of sexual violence and who are linked into State and Territory networks of such services.
Individual membership is also available to individual workers in any Sexual Assault services and Rape Crisis Centres (as above). Associate membership is available to those services and individuals who provide related services to victim/survivors of sexual violence but who are not part of the direct network of service provision. Associate members shall receive information and any relevant documents but are not entitled to a vote at a General meeting of the Association
To become a member, please download and review NASASV’s Philosophy statement below and then complete the form below or contact NASASV.
Membership Application / Membership renewal
National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence
ABN: 74 128 757 692