What we do

NASASV works with providers of direct prevention and response services to people who are at risk or experience sexual violence.  The people who are at risk or experience sexual violence are ultimately the beneficiaries of our work.

We work to eliminate sexual violence and abuse by…


Advocating for change

Advocating for change to government on key issues in the sector and assist in the development of policies

Promoting understanding

Promoting understandings of sexual violence in the context of gender, power and privilege.

Sharing resources

Co-ordinating sharing of information and resources and promoting sector-based research

Developing guidelines

Developing best practice models and guidelines

Promoting equity

Promoting equity of access to services for all people who are at risk or experience sexual violence.

Raising awareness

Promoting community awareness of sexual violence at a state, national and international level.

Sharing best practice

Share information on best practice for training and resource development

Professional development

Convene national conferences and professional development


We participate in the following committees and reference groups.

National Plan to end Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 Advisory Group has 19 members from multidisciplinary backgrounds who will collectively inform the development of the next National Plan to end family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia. 

National Women’s Safety Alliance brings together leading organisations and individuals across Australia to provide expertise, lead consultation on and support comprehensive policy and program design aimed at reducing violence against women and children and enhancing support for survivors. The Alliance officially commenced operations in August 2021, and is auspiced by YWCA Canberra. 

Department of Education, Skills and Employment Respectful Relationships Reference Panel whose role is to advise to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment on materials for the Respect Matters program which provides resources to support the delivery of respectful relationships education in schools nationally. 

Our Watch National Primary Prevention Stakeholder Group guide and lead primary prevention efforts, including to better coordinate and consolidate; share evidence, expertise and learning; and facilitate collaboration in policy and practice across jurisdictions and the violence against women sector.